Children's Health:
- At Kelvale we are committed to helping your children have a healthy, happy life
- We provide Immunisations as well as Health and Development checks for your child
At Kelvale we aim to promote improved health outcomes for babies, young children and their families. We do this by promoting childhood immunisations, regular development checks, targeted prevention and early identification of problems. In addition we liase with Community health workers, teachers and specialists and have full knowledge of appropriate referral services.
Immunisation is a simple, safe and highly effective way of protecting children from harmful diseases before they come into contact with them. It is estimated that vaccinations save millions of lives worldwide each year.
Kelvale provide all routine childhood vaccinations as per the WA immunisation schedule. More information on Immunisation is available at the Australian Government website:
Did you know?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged from six months to five years can now receive the seasonal influenza vaccine free of charge under the National Immunisation Program.
Youth Health:
Our doctors have training and experience in the area of youth health. We feel it is important for young people to feel comfortable seeing a doctor to discuss problems such as their sexuality, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, drugs and alcohol use and any mental health issues they may have.
The consultations are confidential between the doctor and the patient unless there is significant risk to the patient or others. In such cases the patient will be encouraged to share with their parents or other appropriate adult.
Most adolescents do not know that they can go to Medicare and obtain their own Medicare card once they turn 15.
Health and Development Checks:
These checks are done routinely as part of the 6-8 week post natal check and again at 4yrs of age prior to going to school. However, health and development checks can be done at any time if parents or teachers have any concerns.
Your child may benefit from the help of other specialised services such as speech or occupational therapy. These can be accessed through Medicare by arranging for your child to have a Care Plan for his/her condition. This plan is reviewed every six months.
Children with asthma should also have regular health checks to ensure that their asthma is adequately controlled and their lung function is maintained.
An Asthma Care Plan is offered and an Asthma Action Plan written so parents and teachers know what treatment to instigate when needed.
Asthma Care Plans are reviewed every six months. Our primary health nurse will send a reminder when this is due.