Travel Health:

  • Kelvale travel clinic will assess your individual travel needs
  • Kelvale is licenced to provide Yellow Fever Vaccinations

Travel Medicine:

Kelvale travel clinic provides health advice, prescriptions and vaccinations for overseas travellers.

Dr Leif Thonell specialises in Travel and Tropical Medicine and holds the Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Kelvale provides and certifies Yellow Fever vaccinations. The clinic keeps a stock of the more commonly requested vaccines, with the more unusual vaccines such as Rabies or Japanese Encephalitis, obtained within days.

Our doctor will assess your individual travel needs and recommend disease prevention strategies accordingly.

You will receive a vaccine record and travel advice brochures for future reference.

Traveller Services:

We recommend you have a travel consultation at least 10 days before departure. This will include:

  • Pre-Departure advice
  • Advice on Travel Insurance
  • Fitness to Fly
  • Infectious Disease precautions for:
    Malaria, Rabies, Typhoid, Cholera, Polio, Diarrhoea, Bird Flu, Tuberculosis, Influenza.
  • Relevant Vaccinations
  • In-Flight Health
  • Sexual Health abroad
  • Customs & Quarantine advice
  • WHO and Dept of Foreign Affairs advice
  • Scuba Diving medicals
  • Emergency medications
  • Post-travel health care


Please note that Travel Medicine consultations are not bulk billed.

Vaccines costs are additional and costs vary according to the vaccinations required.

Please call the practice for up-to-date vaccine costs.

If you require further information about travel and vaccinations then please contact us.

More on our Fees

Please advise the receptionist of your request for a Travel Health appointment and/or vaccination.

Hours are: Mon to Fri - 8am to 5pm

Also please make a separate booking for each family member to be seen.

Please note that Travel Medicine consultations are not bulk billed.

Medicare Rebates apply.

Vaccines costs are additional.

More on our Fees

Profile Photo

FRACGP, Dip Anaes, MBBCh, DTM&H, MFamMed

Has been working in General Practice since 1995 and holds a Masters’ degree in Family Medicine, as well as the Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

His interests include:

Private Billing (Bulk bill children below 16 yrs of age)