Kelvale specialise in Family Medicine.
Independant doctors who see their patients at Kelvale have years of experience in all aspects of family medicine and are all accredited by the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency as specialist General Practitioners.
Most of the doctors are Fellows of the Royal Australian College of GPs and are GP Training Supervisors.
Many of the doctors have also qualified in specialist areas increasing the services available to our patients.
New Patients are welcome at the Practice.
Note: For medical assistance during business hours (not for emergencies) please phone Kelvale on 9495 1230 and speak to one of the team.
Please note: This Practice does not accept email requests for new OR repeat prescriptions.
For more detailed information on our range of services see the links below:
Specialist Services:
In addition to General Practice and Family Medicine, independant doctors at Kelvale offer a number of specialist services:
- Obstetrics and Pregnancy
- Podiatrist
- Dietitian
- Iron Infusions
- Pathology
- Audiology (visiting specialist)
Home Visits:
Home visits for our registered patients may be arranged under special circumstances at the discretion of the patient’s doctor.
Early notification is required so that the visit can be scheduled around the doctors’ appointments.
For more information on the availability of home visits please contact us.
Note: A small gap fee may be charged in respect of home visits made by our doctors.
If your emergency is life-threatening call 000 and ask for ambulance.
If a minor emergency and in surgery hours attend immediately or telephone the practice. You will be seen as soon as possible.
Out Of Hours:
You may talk to us by calling 0417 924 576.
Alternatively you can call GP After Hours’ (details below) OR Armadale Hospital on 9391 2000.
GP After-Hours:
Kelvale participates in the GP After-Hours Service - call 9391 2285.
Located in the Armadale Community Health and Development Centre, adjacent to Armadale Health Service (access off Albany Highway) at 3056 Albany Hwy, Armadale.
- Weekdays from 7pm-10pm
- Weekends/Public Holidays 2pm-9pm